Photograph of astronaut standing on a desert planet

Science Fiction

Science fiction is a type of storytelling that imagines the future with new technologies and epic adventures. It's like a playground for thinking about what's next in the world. This is really useful for foresight and design thinking.

Foresight is about anticipating what might happen in the future, and design thinking is about coming up with creative solutions. Science fiction helps with both because it gives us wild and wonderful ideas to think about and build upon, making it easier to plan for what might come our way or to create new ideas and inventions.

The Role of Science Fiction in Foresight and Design Thinking

In my recent German-language interview, "Do Science Fiction Films Create Our Reality First?" ("Schaffen Science-Fiction-Filme unsere Realität erst?") I delve into the intriguing relationship between science fiction and the shaping of our technological reality. As a professor at the Technical University of Ingolstadt and the head of the "Motives and Fiction" project, I explore how science fiction films and literature pre-form our thoughts and, in turn, influence real-world technological developments.

I discuss examples like "Minority Report," which foresaw technologies resembling the iPad and Amazon's Alexa, and "Star Trek," whose communicator inspired the creation of mobile phones. These examples demonstrate how science fiction doesn't just anticipates but actively inspires future innovations.

Moreover, I touch upon the broader impact of fiction on society and the challenges it can pose, like creating unrealistic job expectations, as seen with the allure of James Bond. I emphasize the importance of recognizing that the future holds multiple possibilities, and we have the power to shape it. This perspective has led me to view the future not with fear, but with a sense of empowerment and curiosity.

This piece offers a unique insight into how science fiction not only reflects but also molds our future, highlighting the dynamic interplay between imagination and technological advancement.

Schaffen Science-Fiction-Filme unsere Realität erst?

Updated March 2023 / German Language Interview

Science Fiction Filme formen das Denken vor. Das kann auch zum Problem werden. Im Interview erkläre ich, warum ich keine Zukunftsangst mehr habe. Wenn ich all die verschiedenen Horrorszenarien höre, was bald alles kaputtgehen soll, frage ich immer zweifelnd nach.

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Further interview on the relevance of science fiction for understanding the future (German):

Warum Science-Fiction-Filme helfen, die Zukunft zu verstehen

August 2023 / German Language Interview

Was übermorgen und danach kommt, weiß niemand. Aber wir Menschen haben es in der Hand, zu entscheiden, was wir wollen – und was nicht.

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Science Fiction as a Tool for Innovative Design Thinking

In my article "Wie kommt die Zukunft ins Design Thinking? Mit Science-Fiction!" (German only), I explore the fascinating intersection of science fiction and Design Thinking. I discuss how imaginative scenarios from science fiction can be a powerful tool to enhance creative and future-oriented innovation in Design Thinking processes.

Drawing on examples from history, I illustrate how science fiction has not only predicted but also inspired technological advancements. This article sheds light on the potential of science fiction to spur innovative thinking in Design Thinking, providing insights into integrating these imaginative concepts into practical design strategies for addressing future trends and user needs.

Decoding the Future with Science Fiction

Podcast Collection

Three podcasts on the relevance of science fiction for understanding the future.

Pocastfolge Titelbild of „The Pioneer" with the title "Wie funktioniert eigentlich Zukunftsforschung" [German Interview]

"How does future research actually work?"

[ German interview ] Wie funktioniert eigentlich Zukunftsforschung? Insbesondere, wenn sie nicht datenbasiert, sondern qualitativ arbeitet. Was lässt sich von der Zukunft erahnen, welche Szenarien lassen sich untersuchen?

"Why working with fictional literature and movies is far less romantic than what some Sci-Fi fans might imagine."

[ German interview ]

German interview on the podcast show “Miteinander Morgen machen” with Prof. Dr. Jan Oliver Schwarz on the top of how science fiction can help us shape the future

“Start looking at chapters of Science Fiction and think how those pages are relevant to your business”

[ English interview ] - March 25, 2020

Podcast by Jara Pascual interviewing Prof. Jan Oliver Schwarz on Creativity using Science Fiction as Inspiration.
Read the summary here on

Science Fiction's Impact on Foresight and Innovation

My keynote speech at the Morals & Machines conference 2023 on science fiction, foresight, and innovation.

Prof. Dr. Jan Oliver Schwarz talking about science fiction, foresight and innovation at the morals & machines keynote in 2023.

Exploring the Impact of Science Fiction and Video Games in Future Planning

In collaboration with the Foresight Academy and students from Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, we've investigated how science fiction and video games play a vital role in foresight. These projects offer unique insights into how these mediums contribute to our understanding and preparation for the future.

For more details, visit the Foresight Academy's website and explore our project findings:

Video Games & Foresight

Research Project

In the wake of continuous crises, the significance of cultivating foresight in business has been underscored. Recognizing this involves detecting early signals of change, envisioning diverse future scenarios, and taking informed action. While the concept seems reasonable, the true challenge lies in the practical development of foresight. How do organizations effectively scout for trends and construct meaningful scenarios?


A droide robot toy version of R2-D2 from Star Wars

R2-D2 Star Wars |

Science Fiction & Foresight

Research Project

What insights can we glean from sci-fi movies, books, TV series, and cartoons regarding plausible and unexpected aspects of future everyday life? Furthermore, what valuable lessons can be extracted from diverse value studies that delve into people's wishes and expectations for the future? "Motives & Fiction" is a project dedicated to pondering these questions, with the objective of uncovering intriguing overlaps and distinctions between the science fiction genre and value studies.


Press image of the computer game Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 | 2020 | CD Project Red

Bridging Science Fiction and Foresight

My research in this area has primarily been on establishing a theoretical relationship between science fiction and foresight.

In my article "The ‘Narrative Turn’ in Developing Foresight: Assessing How Cultural Products Can Assist Organizations in Detecting Trends", published in Technological Forecasting and Social Change in March 2014, I explore the significant role of cultural products, such as literature, movies, art, and computer games, in the practice of foresight. I propose that these cultural products, especially novels, provide "thick descriptions" that are valuable for developing organizational foresight.

The article argues that these descriptions play a critical role in the construction of social reality and can translate fiction into fact, influencing societal changes and trends. I discuss how literature and other cultural narratives can be read as scenarios, revealing their potential in overcoming cognitive barriers in the development of foresight. It also emphasizes the power of cultural products in shaping our perceptions and decision-making processes, underlining their utility as a largely untapped resource for developing foresight in organizations.

Blending Science Fiction and Socio-Cultural Elements in Innovative Prototyping

In my research with Franz Liebl, we explore the concept of science fiction prototyping - an approach that leverages the narratives of science fiction (SF) and socio-cultural fiction (SCF) for the development of innovative products, services, and business models. We discuss how SF prototypes, rooted in scientific and technological storytelling, can significantly benefit from the incorporation of SCF elements that emphasize socio-cultural innovations.

Our study highlights the synergy between technological and socio-cultural narratives in SF and SCF, and how they collectively influence customer perceptions and realities. This approach provides a unique perspective on product development and strategic foresight, emphasizing the importance of cultural narratives in shaping the future of business.

Read the following articles to learn more about it:

Novels and novelty in trend research:
Using novels to perceive weak signals and transfer frames of reference

Cultural products and their implications for business models:
Why science fiction needs socio-cultural fiction